
This minor release updates the mimumum supported python to python = “^3.8”, addresses dependency vulnerabilities, and updates typing to conform with current mypy and pytest standards.

Updates / New Features


  • New minimum supported python changed to python = “^3.8”.


  • Updated codecov action version to 3.

  • Added explicit use of codecov token to facilitate successful coverage submission.

  • Updated publish/release CI workflow.


  • Updated notebook dependency due to a vulnerability alert.

  • Periodic update of locked dep versions within abstract version constraints.

  • Updated sphinx versions to fix local documentation building issue.

  • Updated python minimum requirement to 3.8 (up from 3.6). This involved a number of updates and bifurcations of abstract requirements, an update to pinned versions for development/CI, and expansion of CI to cover python versions 3.10 and 3.11 (latest current release).



  • Added missing step to the release process about creating the release on GitHub’s Releases section.


  • Added a note to each example about restarting the runtime for compatibility with Colab, as well as a step to create a data directory if necessary.