Steps of the xaitk-saliency Release Process

Three types of releases are expected to occur:

  • patch

  • minor

  • major

See the file for information on how to contribute features and patches.

The following process should apply when any release that changes the version number occurs.

Create and Merge Version Update Branch

Patch Release

A patch release should only contain fixes for bugs or issues with an existing release. No new features or functionality should be introduced in a patch release. As such, patch releases should only ever be based on an existing release point.

  1. Create a new branch off of the appropriate vX.Y.Z tag named something like release-patch-{NEW_VERSION}, where NEW_VERSION is an increase in the Z version component.

    1. Use poetry version patch to increase the patch value appropriately in the pyproject.toml file.

    2. Rename the docs/release_notes/pending_patch.rst file to docs/release_notes/v{VERSION}.rst, matching the new version value. Add a descriptive paragraph under the title section summarizing this release.

    3. Add a reference to the new release notes RST file in docs/release_notes.rst.

    4. In a separate commit, add back a blank pending release notes file stub. See Stub Pending Notes File.

  2. Create a pull/merge request for this branch with master as the merge target. This is to ensure that everything passes CI testing before making the release. If there is an issue, then branches should be made and merged into this branch until the issue is resolved.

  3. Tag branch (see Tag new version below ) after resolving issues and before merging into master.

  4. Merge version bump branch into master branch.

  5. Create new version release to PYPI.

Major and Minor Releases

Major and minor releases may add one or more trivial or non-trivial features and functionalities.

  1. Create a new branch off of the master named something like release-[major,minor]-{NEW_VERSION}.

    1. Increment patch value in pyproject.toml file’s version attribute under the [tool.poetry] section.

    2. Rename the docs/release_notes/pending_release.rst file to docs/release_notes/v{VERSION}.rst, matching the new version value. Add a descriptive paragraph under the title section summarizing this release.

    3. Add a reference to the new release notes RST file in docs/release_notes.rst.

    4. In a separate commit, add back a blank pending release notes file stub. See Stub Pending Notes File.

  2. Create a pull/merge request for this branch with master as the merge target. This is to ensure that everything passes CI testing before making the release. If there is an issue, then branches should be made and merged into this branch until the issue is resolved.

  3. Tag branch (see Tag new version below) after resolving issues and before merging into master.

  4. Merge version bump branch into the master branch.

  5. Create new version release to PYPI.

Stub Pending Notes File

The following is the basic content that goes into the stub pending release notes file:

Pending Release Notes

Updates / New Features


Tag New Version

Release branches should be tagged in order to record where in the git tree a particular release refers to. The branch off of master is usually the target of such tags.

Currently the From GitHub method is preferred as it creates a “verified” release.

From GitHub

Navigate to the releases page on GitHub and click the Draft a new release button in the upper right.

Fill in the new version in the Tag version text box (e.g. v#.#.#) and use the same string in the Release title text box. The “@” target should be the release branch created above.

Copy and paste this version’s release notes into the Describe this release text box.

Remember to check the This is a pre-release check-box if appropriate.

Click the Public release button at the bottom of the page when complete.

From Git on the Command Line

Create a new git tag using the new version number (format: v<MAJOR.<MINOR>.<PATCH>) on the merge commit for the version update branch merger:

$ git tag -a -m "[Major|Minor|Patch] release v#.#.#"

Push this new tag to GitHub (or appropriate remote):

$ git push origin v#.#.#

To add the release notes to GitHub, navigate to the tags page on GitHub and click on the “Add release notes” link for the new release tag. Copy and paste this version’s release notes into the description field and the version number should be used as the release title.

Create new version release to PYPI

We will use Poetry again to perform package building and publishing. See this documentation on how to set and store your PYPA credentials in Poetry.

Make sure the source is checked out on the appropriate version tag, the repo is clean (no uncommited files/edits). git clean may help ensure a clean state:

$ git checkout <VERSION_TAG>
$ git clean -xdi  # NOTE: `-i` makes this an interactive command.

Build source and wheel packages for the current version:

$ poetry build

The files in ./dist/ may be inspected for correctness before publishing to PYPA with:

$ poetry publish